As a business owner, if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the amount of information that you have to contend with in order to grow your company, you’re not alone. With the explosive growth of the internet, people have access to more information than ever before. As a result, entrepreneurs are exposed to a new modern disease called “infobesity,” aka information overload.
Science has shown that being fed with constant data can have serious impact on our health, happiness and productivity.
Side effects of infobesity include:
- Fatigue
- ADT (Attention Disorder Trait)
- Lack of productivity
- Lack of confidence
- Memory loss
- Stress-related diseases (heart and blood pressure problems, obesity, sleeping disorders, etc.)
- Poor decision-making
- Financial loss
Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that you couldn’t even make a simple decision? Infobesity affects every company due to innovations like the internet, apps and sensors. Did you know a typical entrepreneur checks her email 50 to 100 times a day? Moreover, 60 percent of computer users feel the need to check their email in the bathroom. Sadly, most executives are still in denial. Time and energy are seriously being wasted by the minute!
The power of self-awareness
What’s the solution? Although no one can avoid the reality of the modern world, we can start by becoming more self-aware, mindful and take some sense of responsibility. After all, it took everyone’s participation to get where we are today, right?
Most of my business consulting clients are realizing that connecting to their own human consciousness is allowing them to get back to their own natural intuition and higher self.
There’s a new trend of successful companies empowering their people to express their innate talents that is providing fantastic results and a hopeful future. It’s all about finding a balance between bridging ancient wisdom and modern technology. The key is to slow down to speed up and to find the answers without asking “Siri” or “Google.”
Here’s my three-step cure for infobesity:
1. Breathe
Our breath is the life force that connects all things and all beings. Take a few minutes a day to relax. Place your left hand on your heart and your right hand on your belly. Take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Visualize a calm surrounding and listen to the sound of your own breathing. Experience being present and at peace.
Related: Only You Can Change Your Life
2. Connect
Shoes off! Yes, you can even do this in the office, or take a moment to go outside. Walking barefoot is a simple way to absorb electrons from the earth. It helps neutralize damaging free radicals and boosts the immune system to promote well-being. Give yourself permission to take time for you.
3. Intent
Setting an intention is a great way to manifest and create. Intention gives us clarity and focus, just like a GPS would. Focus your attention on what you want, visualize it and feel it in your heart. Here’s the most important ingredient: Be grateful and let go of the outcome.
Whenever you feel overwhelmed by infobesity, simply follow these steps. Remember, when you get stuck in the quicksand of content, relax so you can breathe and connect to your intention. Be in alignment with your truth. This allows you to quickly ignore irrelevant information, so you can make quicker and better business decisions.
The serious problem of infobesity is sweeping the business world. Company leaders cannot afford to be in denial anymore. Most people are counting on strong leadershipto make the right decisions on their behalf, as their lives depend on it. Raising the awareness of infobesity and being proactive is a big part of solving the problem.
Technology, data, and the internet will never replace our human potential. Each of us is wired with a divine blueprint. It’s up to you to activate yours and upload it. Please use these 3 steps to help develop your self-awareness, so you can succeed in business and in life.