Hi friends! Do you believe in the power of intuition?
I happen to think that listening to your intuition is a key element to success. My inner voice had always been whispering to me that one day I would share my story and become a best-selling author.
So here’s what happened… my husband, who is also a freelance multi-media journalist in his spare time, invited Jack Canfield (whose book I contributed to) to do an interview about his current endeavors and latest book.
For those of you that may not know, Jack Canfield is the co-author of the best-selling book “Chicken Soup for the Soul,” that evolved into an entire book series that sold over 500 million copies worldwide. It just so happened that Jack was here in our “backyard,” in Scottsdale, Arizona, to conduct one of his popular Breakthrough To Success seminars recently.
In the interview, he mapped out the future of his training and that his goal would be to train millions of people around the globe to achieve success in life! I was deeply moved and touched by his comments and mission.
As the interview was finishing, the news got around that I was an intuitive, natural-born healer and Reiki master. One of Jack’s top assistants, Rick Kurzac, came to me and asked if I would be willing to do a healing session on Jack. I realized how much of an impact he has on the life of others and how it must be challenging to manage and keep a high level of energy and health. YES!! Of course I was happy to help and I believe I was able to make a little and helpful difference in his day.
Evidently I must have, as Jack invited me and my husband to return the next day to an additional private training event!
Wow… what a day spent with extremely successful, and light-minded individuals. I speak from my heart and can share that Jack is someone who loves to help others and shared with me his future business ventures. I felt humbled and honored to be able to connect with him and just listen.
The weekend with Jack Canfield was significant, meaningful and enlightening, for I know that through his courses on success, he has unleashed a bright path for so many people around the world and impacted so many lives that I know that his voice will be heard.
Although what appeared to be just “luck,” was in fact divine timing as a result of my intention. I’m excited to announce that I just finished co-writing a book with Mr. Jack Canfield, titled “The Soul of Success, Volume 2,” that was just just recently published!
I truly believed that my contribution to the book would be very powerful, but I did not expect to win an award for my work! Not only was I able to co-author the book, but I was surprised to discover that I won an award for my contribution!
In the meantime, to celebrate, I’m giving away my section of the book away for free for a limited time, so if you are an entrepreneur or business owner, you may find it very helpful in discovering an easier and faster way to make the right business decisions every time. For your free download, please visit http://Biztuition.com
I feel fortunate to have listened to my own business intuition, followed my truth, and am ready to help even more people to achieve their dreams. Please be sure to follow me, so I can share with you the experience I had about connecting with this celebrity…
Can you guess who this is? If not, I’ll tell you more about this enlightened entrepreneur, my journey as an author, and how you can use your own business intuition to create your own success in my next post! Stay tuned for the rest of the story…
For the highest good…
Julie Christopher